Saturday, July 18, 2015


Hello and good morning friends,
I am having sleepless nights because I am excited. My book:  More Than a Ticket Memoirs Flying with American Airlines from Props to Jets is out there making new friends. As you buy the book and read it, know that I look forward to hearing from you at  Thanks to new and old friends for your comments and telling me what you like about the book. It helps me understand what the reader is enjoying, and as I continue to write my new book: Please Don't Call Me! Dumb, I consider what not only the brain, but the heart, is saying to my words.  The following are a few of the comments which have come my way.

Glenda Rose
I  bought your book in the SLC airport bookstore; my husband and I are private pilots from Connecticut, if you remember.
I read about 75% of your book on the flight to BWI and finished it 2 days after we got home.  I REALLY enjoyed reading about the period of commercial flying during which you were a stewardess when flying was something special unlike the “cattle car” experience of today.  The first time I flew on a plane was in December of 1977 when I flew to SLC with my then husband-to-be (whom you met) so we could get married at his brother’s house in Reno.  It was SO exciting and the stewardesses were so nice.  The only thing I did NOT like was the smoking on-board, so there is one improvement today!
 Thanks again for writing such a fun and interesting book!
 Yours in flight,
   Glenda Rose

Argie , I am so proud of you and of your book that I am in. I keep it on my coffee table and it gets a lot of attention.I am so proud to be in it. God Bless You honey. I am glad I was a part of your life. Wish we could turn back the clock to the good old days.Love You, Gerry

Melissa Turchetta's photo.
A wonderful book about an American Airlines stewardess who served on the nation's first domestic jet flight, rose lemonade, and a beautiful Tuscany candle in "Fresh Linen"!
Please, everyone, get this book. It's wonderfully written by my friend, Argie! She signed it as well.

Argie, your book arrived yesterday and I haven't put it down since! What an amazing story beautifully written! I love all the notes and correspondence. I actually felt your heartache when you put your head on your supervisor's desk in the office requesting to leave!! WoW! Thank you so much for signing it. I will treasure that always. Take good care my friend and thank you for sharing your story.

Fantastic book, Argie; thanks for undertaking the project; it's a keeper!

I've got the book and am enjoying it - great book Argie!

Literary genius you are !!!!!

Anke Ortlepp
Professor of British and North American History at University of Kassel(Germany)

Hi Argie,
I love to use materials like your book in the classes that I teach on the history of travel and the history of air travel. They are an invaluable source to provide personal information to give students a sense of what it was like to work for the airlines and to travel by air.
Happy Holidays,

It'll be of great use in the classroom,
All the best, Anke

Freddie Joe
Argie I have been reading your blog and caused my secretary to stay about 30 minutes late because she is a big American Airlines fan and wanted to see what I was reading/viewing. Congratulations on the new book and all the great nostalgic pictures.

Sonnie Sims

Argie, your book is amazing! I am fascinated by the amount of information and photos you have accumulated and that you were able to compile them in such an interesting way. I have got to sit down and start reading it from the beginning but when I pick it up, I'll open to a page that I can't put down. I can't thank you enough for gifting me with it...but can I at least pay for the postage? I will be sharing it with our luncheon group this Friday.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

The signing on July 3, 2015 was so much fun at the Salt Lake International airport. And I am invited back for another signing on the 27th of July.

Terminal 1 at the Salt Lake airport on July 27th from 9:00 until 12:00 AM at the Weller Book Works.  After you pass Security and before you take the escalator, I will be sitting there to greet you. Of course, you will need a ticket to get through Security!  So have a good flight with a peaceful landing.


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